DARKNESS RISING: NIGHT’S SOFT PAINS Edited by L.H. Maynard and M.P.N. Sims Cosmos Books / 142 pages / (January 2001) ISBN: 1587154064 Amazon.com Fans of horror fiction have come to trust the judgement of L.H. Maynard and M.P.N. Sims, and with good reason. This...
DEVIL’S HIGHWAY (blurbed) Simon Bestwick Snowbooks / 2017 ISBN: 1931081549 Amazon.com Bestwick kindly provides a prologue to bring readers up to date after the wait between Hell’s Ditch and Devil’s Highway. My wait was about thirty minutes; one of...
HELL’S DITCH Number one of THE BLACK ROAD SIMON BESTWICK Snowbooks Ltd / 444 pages / 1 December 2015 ISBN: 1909679674 Amazon.com You might think that with all of the accolades and success author Simon Bestwick has accumulated over these years that he would have...
A HAZY SHADE OF WINTER Simon Bestwick Ash-Tree Press, 211 pages, 1st Edition 2004 ISBN: 1553100697 Amazon.com A few years ago, Simon Bestwick came to my attention with “Graven” in Darkness Rising One: Night’s Soft Pains. This beautiful, unique tale...